Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Eyes glaze over

I have one of those professions that not a lot of people do. Not a lot of people that I know anyways (outside of my professional network of people).

So what is it that I do?
To make a long story short, I help make drugs. Efficiently. Not the illegal kind. Biotech stuff. Not little white or blue pills. But stuff that gets injected into your body if you're really really sick. Proteins. Antibodies. I basically work in a factory.
But, its actually incredibly cool!

However, the more I talk about it to people outside my business, anything past the novelty of 'I make drugs!' leaves them with a glazed look in their eyes. Its a dillema really. I really can't qualitate what it is I do without sounding utterly boring. Which is a shame, b/c its really not. I'm just a huge nerd maybe?
They don't make TV shows or movies about biopharmaceutical engineers. Unless they

involve some kind of bioterrorist attack on the world, and then the biopharmaceutical engineers are called in save the day.

Doctors have ER, House, and (my personal favourite) Grey's Anatomy.
Lawyers have Boston Legal, The Practice. Law&Order. Claire Huxtable!
Even scientists have CSI.
Cops have....well every other show is a cop show
Even middle aged fa-..uh..I mean heavy set men have TV shows (and skinny wives!) - According to Jim. King of Queens. Still Standing.

And, when you delve into the world of reality TV, you have chefs, interior designers, animal wranglers, wedding planners, dancers, comediens. DOG WHISPERERS! I mean, they are all on there.
EXCEPT for my kind. And this is why, when I talk to people about what I do, they start staring off into space, yawn, and eventually nod off. Because they can't relate! They've never seen a TV show that made us popular. You know?

Are any of you in a profession that are deemed too boring to be portrayed on TV?

Let me know...


Anonymous said...

Well. If it makes you feel any better, I collect samples from lakes, rivers, soil. Environmental engineers don't get no air-time either :(
Our work is too boring for people watch...

Anonymous said...

Well. I do some lawn cutting on the side on the wknds. They definitely don't have a TV show for my kind either. OH WAIT. We do have some stuff on HGTV. hahahaha. Sorry.