Friday, August 08, 2008


Today is supposed to be an ultra lucky day in some parts of the world, like China. (This, according to my chinese-american coworker A). The number '8' in Chinese is very significant.

No wonder the Olympics are opening on this date over there!

So, I told her, since she is Chinese, then she should go out and say a little prayer for me. Just an all around prayer, you know, for good health. A good man maybe. Oh, and wealth and power.

Oh why not? If she's Chinese, and all the good energy is being focused on her today, then I might as well ask for a small favour right? Ok, I'm just half joking!

In all seriousness, as I sat here watching the opening ceremonies, I could not help but feel chills go down my spine.

The opening ceremonies were ridiculously awe inspiring. The choreography was impeccable. The whole time I was watching, I wished I could have some small part of it all. Go here to see some incredible photos from the ceremony!

Needless to say, the emphasis on the Olympics is even more deliberate this year, not only because of the lucky date, but also because of the scrutiny that China has been under over the last year.The incredible growth in China's technology sector has brought an intense focus to the country, and now that intensity has amplified in the days leading up to tonight's opening ceremony.

But, hopefully, the games will let the rest of the world see another side to China, that I hope to see some day.
As the 2008 Tai Chi performers formed a perfect circle for the third time, all moving their arms in the same direction, the commentor explained one of the simple philosophies of the ancient form of meditative exercise - that also alluded to the complex shift in the Chinese cultural and economic landscape:

"Movement in one direction often begins with a very subtle movement in the opposite direction".

I like that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree - I really hope your wishes came true on that lucky day!
I loved the Opening Ceremonies. I think they were probably the best ones ever!