Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Engineers Without Borders

Hey guys!!

I'm so proud of my buddy Ryan for embarking on this amazing service trip next month through Engineers Without Borders (EWB).
As a fellow engineer, I'm happy there are programs out there like this one. I'll live vicariously through him for now, but who knows what the future holds!

Note: I 'met' Ryan by tracking him down after watching an episode of 'My Parents House' on HGTV. Hahaha - his crazy personality had me thinking...who the hell is this guy? Must find out!
Googled him...found we're friends, and I'm able to help out in small way on his EWB journey. Crazy eh?
Such is life. Beautiful!

Check out his blog posting on the trip, and donate for a GREAT cause if you can :-)


Anonymous said...

Nice!!!! I'm having one of 'those' days. I'm gonna try this out. Although I do see that not EVERY restaurant participates....oh well.

Anonymous said...

OH crap. I meant to leave that comment for the above post..oops! Since I am in this comment box already, I will go ahead and say yeay for your buddy Ryan. Great cause. And wait, whats this about HGTV?