Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ok. You know when you have those days, when you come home from a long day at work, you change into your most comfy sweats, curl up on your couch with your laptop, remote in hand, all ready to watch your episode of Ugly Betty, followed by Grey's Anatomy? Now, on certain (ahem) days, you don't really wanna do much ELSE except just be be wrapped up in that little cocoon of comfort you've now created for yourself.

Except for one little issue: dinner.

Ah man, do you really want to get up, walk all the way to the kitchen, and slave over a hot stove, when you could just be exactly where you are?
Hmm...order in? But man, do you really feel like screaming your order through the phone to some guy on the other end who doesn't wanna be there, and will probably mess it up?

Well - hey. There's another option! Check it out:
You sign up with your address, phone #, etc. It gives you a list of restaurants that deliver to your house. It gives you the menu of the restaurant you pick. You pick what you want to eat, and add it to your order. You check out with your credit card. It'll even add in delivery charge (if there is one), and you can even add tip right to your card. After you complete your order, it will tell you the estimated delivery time, and you can even check the status of your order!
I placed an order today for something really bad for me (tomato pie and curly fries!). It told me it would be at my place in 40min. It took 32. I was a happy camper ;)

Ok..well..I guess you can't have EVERYTHING....because when the food still have to peel yourself off your couch and go get it....... :-)

But hey. Lazy night, comfort food, TV, laptop, book = good. I'll think about working out tomorrow....

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